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Bread Museum To Ploumisto Psomi in Limassol

Cypriots have unique history of bread baking and consuming. In their culture bred symbolises life, it is linked with all social and religious events. They even have special museum, so the travellers from all over the worlds have possibility to explore holiday loaves making and dough decorating culture of Cyprus. To Ploumisto Psomi - museum of bread - is founded by local enthusiast. You can easily get there by taxi Limassol.

Table of Contents

To Ploumisto Psomi Museum of Bread

Interesting facts about Cypriot bread in To Ploumisto Psomi Museum of Bread

The founder of To Ploumisto Psomi Museum of Bread, Mrs. Dorita Voskaridou, is always happy to share her knowledge about the history of baking with museum visitors. She tells many interesting things about bread in Cypriot rituals and beliefs. Did you know that Cypriots often prepared tiny buns with sesame seeds for wedding and then gave these buns to the guests as the invitation? And instead of the wedding cake bride and her female relatives used to make special sweet loaves decorated with dough grapes and flowers. Those loaves symbolized fertility and happy family life. Also the newlyweds offered their guests small frogs and snakes made of sweet dough. On Christmas Eve mothers baked St. Vasillis - little men made from dough - to treat their kids and protect them from illnesses and evil eyes. Women also made special Christmas bread with dried fruits and honey. In general, Cypriots had some special kinds of bread for each celebration.

To Ploumisto Psomi Museum of Bread

Making delicious Cypriot bread with Mrs Voskaridu in To Ploumisto Psomi Museum of Bread

Mrs Voskaridu gives seminars, holds workshops and conducts excursions regularly; her main aim is to offer insights into the culture of bread consuming, Cypriot bakery technologies and traditions, unusual recipes and dough decorations, the use of bread in different rituals and celebrations.

Baking workshops for To Ploumisto Psomi Museum of Bread guests

The visitors of To Ploumisto Psomi Museum of Bread have possibility to attend cooking classes and learn how to bake Cypriot bread with different additives, such as:

  • sesame seeds;
  • chopped olives;
  • different cereals or flakes;
  • raisins, dried fruits and nuts, candied fruits.

 Mrs Voskaridu explains her guests how to make a proper dough and decorate the loaves with traditional Cypriot dough ornaments. Then the loaves are baked in a special clay oven in the museum courtyard. And after the excursion the visitors are offered a snack with savoury fresh-baked bread and herbal tea.

To Ploumisto Psomi Museum of Bread

After a fascinating museum tour and delicious Cypriot bread tasting taxi Limassol will take you to your place of stay.

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